Explanation of the main menu
Opening of the lower menu level PDis.
Opening of the lower menu level EF.
Explanation of the process value display (PDis)
LED Switching status LEDs: ON, OFF
PV.x Process value display:
OFF = process value is not displayed
bk/wh = black or white, depending on the setting of the background ddiS.S
= red
green = green
yellow = yellow
(x = 1...4 for the 4 process values that can be displayed)
Explanation extended functions (EF)
rES Restore factory settings
Info Device information
IO-L IO-Link communication: ON/OFF
-OFF: normal operation as passive display
-ON: parameter setting or update of the device catalogue via the IODD tool
→ www.ifm.com).
When the device is started, this point is reset to OFF.
DIS Opening of the lower menu level.
Explanation display settings (DIS)
diS.S Display background schema:
dark = black
light = white
diS.U Display refresh rate: d1, d2, d3, d4, d5.
diS.R Display rotation in degrees: 0, 90, 180, 270.
diS.B Display brightness: 25, 50, 75, 100, OFF.