7 Maintenance, repair and disposal
7.1 Cleaning
Unsuitable cleaning agents and chemicals can damage the
display surface�
The following agents are not suited for cleaning the display:
• chemicals dissolving plastics such as methylated spirit,
benzine, thinner, alcohol, acetone or ammonia
• paper towels, crepe paper etc�
• abrasive cleaners etc�
• polish or wax
Disconnect the device�
Clean the device from dirt using a soft, chemically untreated and dry cloth�
In case of heavy dirt, use a high-quality foam cleaning agent and a damp
Micro-fibre cloths without chemical additives are recommended�
7.2 Repair
The device must only be repaired by the manufacturer�
Observe the safety instructions
(→ 2 Safety instructions)
7.3 Disposal
Dispose of the device in accordance with the national environmental