Solid-State mode:
is a pure, solid-state circuit and uses J-FETs and is fully-discrete Class A.
Tube mode:
2 x NOS GE5670s are engaged with the J-FET circuitry switched out for an all-valve Class A operation.
Tube+ mode:
reduces negative feedback to a minimum. As a result, a greater amount of the tubes’ natural
harmonics are produced (Even Order harmonics dominate).
Upon switching between modes, there will be a brief mute as the circuit switches. To maximise tube life, the Pro iCAN has a
built-in intelligent monitor; after an extended period of operation in Solid-State mode, the tubes will switch off. If the tube circuit is
shut-off, upon switching back to Tube/Tube+ mode, the tubes will need to warm up (as if the whole Pro iCAN itself was powered up
from OFF). Music will continue to play via the Solid-State section until the tubes are fully activated.
is disabled (this allows the ‘direct’ sound to be enjoyed).
for headphones/loudspeakers missing only the very lowest bass (below 40Hz).
for headphones/loudspeakers missing some bass (below 80Hz).
for headphones/loudspeakers missing substantial bass including some mid-bass (below 160Hz).
Please be careful with the settings especially at high gain and high volume control settings, as even the most
power-hungry headphones may be damaged by the power of the Pro iCAN.
The circuit is designed to correct different levels of bass deficiency inherent in many headphones/loudspeakers. It is NOT
a gimmick to add artificial bass to recordings. Great care has been taken in the design to ensure there is no degradation of sound
Operation Modes (Solid-State/Tube/Tube+)
The Pro iCAN has 3 operation modes: