Upper support frame
Upper duct cover
Low support frame
Ceiling cover
Low duct cover
Blower box assembly
Reducer for
120 out-let
Upper duct cover hook
Reducer for
120 out-let
Upper duct cover
Low duct cover
Blower box assembly
IFB -GL- 14T-60CM/90CM
Customer Name & signature Date
Customer Response
1.The Installation Person was courteous & helpful Yes No
2.I would describe my experience with Installation as
Unacceptable Satisfactory Non satisfactory Very satisfactory
- Installation work is done on chargeable basis & on the customer risk
Scope of Work:
- Company will only install the product, fix the pipe and cut the
duct cover. Installation Material like pipe, elbows, clamps & masonry work/wood
work /glass cutting/granite cutting will be carried by customer at his cost & risk . I
certify that the above information and check has been done to my satisfaction & I am
fully satisfied with installation of the product.
Check Points-
Any major transit damage to the machine observed Yes No
Power point with MCB or other Automatic Yes No
Short Circuit Device
a. Condition of Earthing/ Plug/Power Point( 230V AC 6/16 Amp)
Depending on model.
b.If poor/faulty or not available ,Customer has been
advised to correct the same. Yes No
3.User manual
4.Warranty term explained.
5.Basic use demo.
6.Trouble shooting explained
7.Do’s&Don’t explained
8.Procedure to clean/filters/outer body/
Surface/burners/spark plugs/knobs
9.Status of Indicator LED(if applicable)
10.How to use Flame failure device if applicable
11.Status of gas supply tube /pipe/regulator.If not suitable or poor/
cracked/advice the customer to correct the same.
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Product……………….... Model ……………………….. Serial No ………………….......
Customer Name ………………………………………………………..………..…..............
Address …………………………………………………………………………..….............
Area ………………………………………… City ……………………...…..…..…...........
State………………………………….Pin Code………………………………….............
Telephone No. - Residence………………………..... Mobile………………………........
Dealer's Name ……………………………………………………………………….......
Invoice No. & Date…………………………………. Price………………………............
Machine Delivered on……………….....…Machine Installed On…………………........
Installed By ……………………………………Signature……………………….
Receipt/bill no. for Installation Charges ……………………………………......
...... ............................
Installation Report