10. If some nodes still will not connect it may be necessary to adjust port forwarding on routers
and gateways to allow the nodes on different subnets to communicate with the controller. See
Tech Note 1
for details.
: It may also be necessary to use nnconfig.exe to assign a specific controller IP
address to each remote node, rather than to allow nodes to Auto Discover the controller.
You can now begin configuring system resources such as time specifications, inputs, outputs,
card formats, access levels, etc.
Configure system resources
1. Click the
link in the upper right of the eMerge application page.
2. In the Help window click the
link at the top.
3. On the Contents page click the second link called
Initial System Setup Checklist
: This topic provides a good sequence in which to configure system resources.
4. Alternatively, you can use
Tech Note 2
for a Quick Start to get a door up and working.
5. Test the access control functions.