Mash Bath
I N D U S T R I A L E Q U I P M E N T & C O N T R O L P T Y . L T D .
6 1 - 6 5 M c C l u r e S t . T h o r n b u r y . 3 0 7 1 M e l b o u r n e . A u s t r a l i a
T e l : 6 1 ( 0 ) 3 9 4 9 7 2 5 5 5 F a x : 6 1 ( 0 ) 3 9 4 9 7 2 1 6 6
E m a i l : i e c @ i e c p l . c o m . a u
M A S H B - 2 0 1 9 0 3 1 4 . d o c 1 4 - M a r - 1 9
1 3
In EDIT mode, a GRAPH of the program is created and is visible to the operator as the
information is entered into each step of the program. In running mode, the GRAPH of the
selected program appears on the screen and progress along the graph is indicated by a
visible cursor or ‘time-line’.
In the floor models, the distilled water temperature follows the bath so that the distilled
water is the same temperature as the mash at the time it is dispensed. At the end of a
program, the distilled water tank is cooled by a heat exchanger to prepare the tank for the
next mash
. NOTE:: In the later models, the cooling of the d/w can be an extra step
programmed to begin d/w cooling prior to the end of the mash to create a longer d/w
cooling time.
The audible alert is controlled by the PLC and is automatically triggered at the start of
certain steps through the program. Each audible alert is programmed to run for only 5
minutes and then stop unless it has been stopped manually by the Shhh button. Alerts are
used for several purposes:
To make sounds of different patterns to alert the operator that the preheat is
finished, or the top-up is required now or that the cycle is finished.
To alert the operator that the machine is in distress because of low water level in
either tank or faulty temperature probe.
To STOP the audible alert at any time, a Shhh button is provided on the touch screen. The
alert will sound again only when another event occurs.
To MUTE the audible alert from sounding completely (silent machine), the alert volume can
be adjusted down to zero however, alarms due to faults always remain at full volume and
cannot be muted.
To EDIT any program, it is first selected from the list and the EDIT P/W button is pressed.
A password is required to enter the editing mode. When the machine is first supplied, the
password is ‘1111’
and, if desired, the password can be changed to improve
security ….
see later in this manual
When in the EDIT mode, the graph of the selected program appears and the program steps
can be selected back and forth by on-screen arrow buttons. A HELP button provides 2
displays of brief information on editing. When in the EDIT mode, the EDIT button takes
you to the ‘program name’ edit screen. If a name is pressed, a keyboard appears to allow
editing of the name or creating a completely new name. The EXIT takes you out of editing
and back to the SELECTION display. This is also for creating names of new programs.