<<: Move backward by 30 frames
>>: Move forward by 30 frames
|>: Move forward by 1 frame
||, ->, => : Stop, Play, High-Speed Play; If you press the [ENT], then the status bar
changes to “-> (Play)” from the stopped status. If you press the [ENT], then the status
bar changes to “=> (High-Speed Play)” from the Play status. If you press the [ENT],
then the status bar changes to “-> (Play)” from the High-speed Play status. If you want
to stop from Playing or High-Speed Playing, then press [ESC].
New files are created every hour on the hour. But if the file size exceeds 10 Mega
bytes, then it automatically makes a new file even if the time is yet to be on the hour. If
there is no motion at all, then there will be no file created. While playing the file, you
can control the volume of the speaker by pressing [ ]
to make it quieter or [ ]
make it louder. Press [ESC] to escape from playing the file. Press [ESC] again to go to
the previous menu.
If you have recorded something with multiple cameras simultaneously, then the screen
displays in 4-channel mode as you go into the playback mode. Press [
], to switch into
single channel mode, and the image saved from camera 1 will only show in a larger
screen. Repeat pressing [
] to see the rest of the camera channels one by one. After
showing the last camera’s data in a single channel mode, it switches into 4-channel
mode, and plays 4 camera channels simultaneously again as you press [
While playing the file, use [ ]
to magnify the image.
If you stop playing the files and press [ ]
, then the LCD screen is divided into several
blocks for you select the area that you want to magnify. When you select the block that
you want to magnify and press [ENT], then it goes into the magnification mode
centering the block that you have chosen.
The resolution of the current file appears on the lower left side of the magnified screen,
and the magnification ratio appears on the lower right side of the LCD screen.
In the magnification mode, you can move to the left, right, up, and down by using the
direction buttons, and press [ENT] to change the magnification ratios, and the ratios
repeat x 1
x 4
x 16, as you press [ENT] continuously.
In 480x480 and 640x480 resolutions, it is possible to magnify the images up to 16
times (width x 4 and length x 4), and the magnifying order is x 1
x 4
x 16. But, in
240x240 and 320x240 resolutions, you can magnify the images by 4 times only (width
x 2 and length x 2), and the magnifying order is x 1
x 4. You cannot magnify the
images in 128x128 and 160x128 resolutions. To escape from the magnification mode,
press [ESC].