Quick Installation Guide
7.2.2 RS-422 Connection (Multiple iTDC/iTDC-SR Connections)
RS422/RS232 converter is required to use RS422 communication between multiple iTDC/iTDC-SRs and a host
computer. Please follow the following instructions.
First, you have to connect all RS422 port of all iTDC/iTDC-SRs in parallel.
- Connect RS422-TX(-) of one iTDC/iTDC-SR to RS422-TX(-) of another iTDC/iTDC-SR.
- Connect RS422-TX(+) of one iTDC/iTDC-SR to RS422-TX(+) of another iTDC/iTDC-SR.
- Connect RS422-RX(-) of one iTDC/iTDC-SR to RS422-RX(-) of another iTDC/iTDC-SR.
- Connect RS422-RX(+) of one iTDC/iTDC-SR to RS422-RX(+) of another iTDC/iTDC-SR.
Second, you have to connect one of RS422 port of iTDC/iTDC-SR to RS422/RS232 converter.
- Connect RS422-TX(-) of the one iTDC/iTDC-SR to RX(-) port of the converter.
- Connect RS422-TX(+) of the one iTDC/iTDC-SR to RX(+) port of the converter.
- Connect RS422-RX(-) of the one iTDC/iTDC-SR to TX(-) port of the converter.
- Connect RS422-RX(+) of the one iTDC/iTDC-SR to TX(+) port of the converter.
- Plug in the RS232 9-pin connector of the converter to the COM1 or COM2 Port of the PC.
- Install and run iTDC/iTDC-SR Application Software.
Figure: RS422 Communication between iTDC/iTDC-SRs and Host Computer