Section 2
Installation- Keyboard Wedge
1. First of all, you must switch off power for the terminal/computer.
2. Disconnect the keyboard cable from the back of the
terminal/computer and connect to the interface cable of the
3. Connect the interface cable of the scanner to the
4. Turn the terminal/computer power on.
Installation- RS-232
1. Disconnect power to the terminal/computer.
2. Connect the external power supply (DC adapter) to the interface
cable of the scanner.
3. Plug the serial connector into the serial port on the back of your
computer/terminal. Tighten the two screws to secure the
connector to the port.
4. Plug the power pack into power source.
5. Once the scanner has been fully connected, turn the
terminal/computer power back on.
Installation- USB (Simulates keyboard wedge)
1. Connect the USB cable to the terminal/computer.
2. Windows will automatically detect the USB device.
If any of the above operation is incorrect, turn off the power immediately and
check any improper connections. Go through all above steps again.