Section 2
Host Connections
The MiniMag reader is connected between the keyboard input port of the
host computer and the keyboard itself using a “Y” adapter cable.
The “Y” cable has a 5-pin DIN male connector on one end, and a 6-pin
mini-DIN female on the other.
The supplied adapter cable has a 5-pin DIN female connector on one end,
and a 6-pin mini-DIN male connector on the other end. The adapter cable
is used in all installations on one end of the “Y” cable or the other. This
converts the available cable ends for use on either PS/2-style 6-pin mini-
DIN keyboards, or AT-style 5-pin DIN keyboards.
To connect the reader to the host, turn the power off and disconnect the
keyboard from the computer. Insert the male end of the “Y” cable into
the keyboard port. Then connect the keyboard to the female end of the
“Y” connector. This “wedges” the reader between the host and the
Manually-entered data from the keyboard passes through the unit to the
host, leaving the keyboard fully functional at all times.
Magnetic data “swiped” into the unit is transmitted to the host keyboard
port, where it appears to the host as coming directly from the keyboard.
This makes the reader, as a data source, completely transparent to the
host’s application software. In other words, if it is expecting data from
the keyboard, that same data can be entered via the MiniMag and make
no difference to the host.
Since the host computer’s application software is expecting data to be
input in a particular order and format, the reader’s output can be config-
ured to simulate the keyboard-entered data stream by adding terminating
characters and special preamble and/or postamble character strings to
scanned data.
Section 1
The MiniMag™
compact magnetic stripe reader can read 1, 2, or 3
tracks of magnetic stripe information. In addition, it has full data editing
When connected to the host computer as a keyboard wedge, the
MiniMag is completely compatible with the host’s software. The
decoded data appears to the host as if it were entered manually by the
operator through the keyboard.
This unit is fully programmable through the keyboard. The data can be
formatted with preamble/postamble and terminator characters to match
the format expected by the host.
Power, when the reader is configured as a keyboard wedge, is ob-
tained from the host. The MiniMag is fully compatible with ID TECH’s
VersaMag II magnetic stripe reader.