Default Settings
The MiniMag reader is shipped from the factory with the default
settings already programmed. In the following sections, the default
settings are shown in
For a table of default settings, see Appendix A.
General Selections
This group of configuration settings define the basic operating
parameters of the scanner.
Beep Volume
The beep volume can be adjusted to two different levels, or turned
off entirely.
< STX ><S><11h><01h><Beep Volume
Beep Volume Settings:
‘0’ for beep volume off
‘1’ for beep volume low
‘2’ for beep volume high
Change To Default Settings
This command does not have any <FuncData>. It returns all settings
for all groups to their default values. Data Editing will be turned off,
and the formulas will be retained.
Communication Timing
The MiniMag takes time to process a command. During that pro-
cessing time, it will not respond to a new command.
Although the typical delay for the reader to respond to a command is
0.1ms, the maximum delay for the reader to respond can be as much
as 5ms. Caution must therefore be taken to maintain a minimum
delay between two commands.
Use the following formula to calculate the delay:
80ms + 10(number of bytes in <FuncData> of the first command)ms
NOTE: The maximum delay allowed between two characters in a com-
mand is 2ms.