FILE menu commands
NEW - Creates a new configuration file.
Opens an existing configuration file.
RECEIVE - Sends the current settings of a MiniMag reader to
the host.
Exits the MiniMag Configuration Utility.
VIEW menu commands
TOOLBAR - Shows or hides the toolbar.
STATUS BAR - Shows or hides the status bar.
HELP menu commands
HELP TOPICS - Offers you an index to topics on which you can
get help.
ABOUT - Displays the version number of this application.
INDEX - Use this command to display the opening screen of
HELP. From the opening screen, you can jump to step-by-step
instructions for using the MiniMag Configuration Utility, as well as
access important reference information.
Appendix E. Minimag Configuration Utility
The MiniMag Configuration Utility is a Windows-based program that
makes it easy to configure the reader.
To install the MiniMag Configuration Utility, please follow these
1. Run Windows 95/98 or Windows NT.
2. Run SETUP from the MiniMag Configuration Utility Disk.
3. Follow the instructions on your screen. The setup program will
prompt you when installation is complete.
To run the MiniMag Configuration Utility, please follow these steps:
1. Open the START menu on the desktop.
2. Point to the PROGRAM menu.
4. Click the MINIMAG CONFIG icon.
Use the MiniMag Configuration Utility as follows:
1. To create a file with new settings, open the FILE menu and click
on NEW.
2. To open a file with existing settings, open the FILE menu and
click on OPEN.
3. To see the current settings of a MiniMag reader, open the FILE
menu and click on RECEIVE.
4. To save settings to a disk file, go to the MINIMAG CONFIGU-
RATION PROPERTIES dialog box and click on SAVE CONFIG.
5. To send settings to a MiniMag reader, go to the MINIMAG
CONFIGURATION PROPERTIES dialog box and click on TO