IDS NXT: Setup IDS NXT rome
Automatic finding of IDS NXT cameras only works if the following parameters are possible in
the network:
UDP broadcasts via port 5055 ("Finder” queries from IDS NXT cockpit)
TCP response from devices via port 5055
UDP broadcasts via port 3956 (GVCP - GigE Vision Control Protocol)
More detailed information is displayed by clicking on the devices found. Via "Connect" you get to the
8.4 Logging on to the device
Via the selection, choose the user class that you want to use to log on to the device. There are three basic
user classes that are used.
Fig. 5: Log on
The administrator profile allows full access to the IDS NXT camera’s configuration.
From firmware updates to installing and setting IDS NXT vision apps everything is
This user profile can be used to perform service activities. Specified settings can be
changed, for example to respond to changed production specifications. These include
camera settings (brightness, gain, ...) and settings for the IDS NXT vision apps.
This user profile provides shop floor employees, for example, with status information for
an IDS NXT camera so that they can directly find information about fault conditions.
The passwords for the user classes "admin" and "service" are "ids" when delivered. They can
be changed using the administrator profile. No password is required for the "user" user class.
How to change the passwords is described in the manual "IDS NXT - Operation with the IDS
NXT cockpit".