i-B2 S – User’s Guide
Version 1.0
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This guide explains how to install and operate the beacon tag i-B2 S.
The i-B2 S/NA is a high performance maintenance free beacon tag to be used with IDENTEC SOLUTIONS’
Intelligent Long Range (ILR
) beacon readers. Its’ robust and slim housing allows easy mounting on most of the
assets to be tracked.
Beacon tags of IDENTEC SOLUTIONS’ i-B series transmit a unique ID together with user definable data in
regular intervals (ping rate). Combined with fixed readers read ranges of typically 100 m can easily be reached.
With mobile readers based on i-CARD R2 (PC card Type 2) or i-CARD CF B (CF Type 2) reading distances up to
30 m are realistic.
2.1 Telegram content
The tag transmits telegrams via the air interface to the reader. After decoding the following information is
supplied to the host:
Unique Tag ID (UID)
Length 32 bits, LSB first. Can not be set or altered by the user.
User data
Length 9 bytes. Is reported by the reader in exactly the same format as programmed on the tag. Can be
written to the tag via a proximity 13.56 MHz link using IDENTEC SOLUTIONS’ i-B2 programmer.
Flag byte
Length 8 bits. Meaning of the single bits depend on implemented tag functionality, in the standard
version these 8 bits are user definable.
Age Counter
Length 2 x 8 bits. These 2 bytes are 2 cut outs from the tag internal tag age counter which is
incremented by 1 with each transmission.
The low byte is incremented by 1 and can therefore be used to detect missing telegram reception. The
high byte counts millions of telegrams and indicate battery usage. Comparing the actual value to a
predefined maximum remaining lifetime can be calculated.
2.2 Programming
With IDENTEC SOLUTIONS’ i-B2 programmer following data can be written to the i-B2 S tag:
User Data (9 bytes)
Flag byte (8 bis)
Ping rate in steps of 0.5 seconds
In addition the tag can be switched between active and inactive state if needed, i.e. if permanent transmission is
not allowed.