3. Functional Description
<Common to emitter and receiver>
Descrip ion
Beam-axis align-
ment indicator
(Red / Green)
Lights up in red when device top receives light.
Blinks in red when device top end receives light.
Lights up in green when control output (OSSD 1 / 2) is ON.
B Lights up in red when device upper middle receives light.
Lights up in green when control output (OSSD 1 / 2) is ON.
C Lights up in red when device lower middle receives light.
Lights up in green when control output (OSSD 1 / 2) is ON.
Lights up in red when device bottom receives light.
Blinks in red when device bottom end receives light.
Lights up in green when control output (OSSD 1 / 2) is ON.
Incident light intensity
(Green / Orange)
When sufficient light is received (Incident light:
130% or more): lights up in green
When stable light is received (Incident light: 115 to
130%): OFF
When unstable light is received (Incident light : 100
to 115%): lights up in orange
When light is blocked: OFF
Fault indicator (Yellow) Lights up or blinks when fault occurs in he device.
Digital error indicator
Error contents are indicated when device is lockout.
PNP indicator (Orange) Lights up when PNP output is set.
NPN indicator (Orange) Lights up when NPN output is set.
Descrip ion
Operation indicator
(Red / Green)
Lights up when device operation is as follows.
[Sequential operation to control output (OSSD 1 / 2).]
Lights up in red when control output (OSSD 1 / 2) is OFF.
Lights up in green when control output (OSSD 1 / 2) is ON.
Emission intensity con-
trol indicator (Orange)
When light is emitted under short mode: lights up
When light is emitted under normal mode: OFF
Emission halt indicator
When light emission is halt: lights up
When light is emitted: OFF
Descrip ion
OSSD indicator
(Red / Green)
Lights up in red when control output (OSSD 1 / 2) is OFF.
Lights up in green when control output (OSSD 1 / 2) is ON.
Function setting indi-
cator (Orange)
Lights up when blanking function is valid.
Blinks when he handy controller is connected.
Interlock indicator
Lights up when interlock is valid.
Turns OFF when interlock is invalid.
Indicator section of emitter
Fault indicator
PNP indicator
NPN indicator
Emission intensity control indicator
Emission halt indicator
Incident light intensity indicator
Beam-axis alignment
Operation indicator
Digital error indicator
Indicator section of receiver
Function setting indicator
Interlock indicator
OSSD indicator
Beam-axis alignment
Incident light intensity indicator
Fault indicator
Digital error indicator
PNP indicator
NPN indicator
Location of beam-axis
alignment indicator