July 2018
18. Testing
In this step A, there is no load on the lift.
Cycle up and down must be with interval rest of 2 mins.
A. Without a load, raise the lift empty to the top of its travel and lower it to the floor three (3) times to
remove the remaining air from the hydraulic system.
B. The latches should click close together as the lift is being raised. If not, adjust cables for proper
equalization and tightness.
C. When the carriages are lowered onto the locks, the Latch Release Handle should NOT be capable
of being pulled down. Prior to lowering the carriages, always raise up enough to free the latches,
then pull down the latch release handle to unlock the carriages to lower. Ensure both latches
properly release.
D. The first time a vehicle is placed on the lift, raise it no higher than three feet. Lower the vehicle onto
the safety latches. Raise the lift a few inches and pull latch release lever then lower the vehicle to
the floor.
E. Raise the vehicle to full height and lower the carriages onto the safety latches. Lower the vehicle to
the floor.
F. After cycling the lift ten times with a vehicle on it, recheck the tightness of the anchors to at least
110 ft-lbs.
The Lift is now ready for Operation.