Tracing Wires Behind Walls
Applications include finding the locations of cable runs and identifying other devices and
loads on the circuit.
1) Connect the transmitter to the circuit to be traced and power it on.
For optimal tracing, leave the circuit energized to create a closed loop.
b) If the circuit is de-energized, then connect transmitter to the neutral and ground
conductors to create a closed loop.
2) Turn on the receiver and set it to Search High (SH/1) mode.
3) Starting several feet from the transmitter, use a sweeping motion and the back of the
receiver to find the strongest signal location behind the wall, above the ceiling, or under
the floor.
a) If the signal is too strong, reduce the sensitivity range .
b) If the signal is too weak, utilize a remote return path for the transmitter. Then, reduce
the sensitivity range on the receiver to Trace (TR/3) and repeat step #3.
4) Continue following the highest reading until the end of the circuit is found.
Tracing Low Voltage and Data Cable
Applications include tracing
coax, twisted pair, Cat 5, alarm
and telephone wire.
Follow the instructions for
Tracing Wires behind walls using
the de-energized method and a
remote ground for a return path.
Page 13
Finding Opens
Applications include locating dead circuits, finding the source of an open (broken point) in
a hot/neutral/ground conductor, and determining the end of a circuit run.
1) Connect the transmitter to the open circuit and power it on.
2) Turn on the receiver and set it to Search High (SH/1) mode.
3) Starting several feet from the transmitter, use a sweeping motion and the back of the
receiver to find the strongest signal location behind the wall, above the ceiling or
under the floor.
a) If the signal is too strong, reduce the sensitivity range .
b) If the signal is too weak, connect one lead of the transmitter into the open
conductor and connect the other lead to a remote return path. Then, repeat step #3.
4) Continue following the highest reading until the signal starts to fall off. This is the
location of the open. Reduce the sensitivity range and use the nose of the receiver to
pinpoint the open on the circuit.
If the open is not found after tracing the length of the run, the conductor may be capacitive
coupled. This condition causes a signal bleed-off onto the other adjacent conductors. To
remove this effect, ground the adjacent conductors and minimize the distance between the
transmitter connection and the open.
Page 14
Separate Circuit
If possible, ground
the far end of the
cable shield.
ND 6364-2 Circuit Tracer Instru 3/5/07 1:39 PM Page 13