The latest addition to the MIFARE DESFire product family, MIFARE DESFire EV3 offers even more advanced
hardware and software implementation on a brand new internal chip, and combines enhanced performance with a
greater operating distance and improved transaction speed compared to its predecessors.
Based on global open standards for both air interface and cryptographic methods, it uses the same security
certification level as IC products used for banking cards and electronic passports. Featuring an on-chip backup
management system and mutual three-pass authentication, EV3 supports confidential and integrity-protected
communication with secure dynamic messaging and mirroring.
Fully compliant with the international standard ISO/IEC 14443 Type A 1-4 and ISO/IEC 7816-4
Common Criteria EAL5+ security certified for IC hardware and software
NFC Forum Tag Type 4 certified
Secure, high speed command set
Unique 7-byte serial number
Choice of open DES/2K3DES/3K3DES/AES crypto algorithms
Open AES 128 bits crypto algorithm in hardware
Fully interoperable with existing NFC reader infrastructure
Transaction timer mitigates risk of man-in-the-middle attacks
Backwards compatible with all previous MIFARE DESFire generations
MIFARE/DESFire Products
The MIFARE/DESFire products can be expanded to accommodate large numbers of modules using the encrypted
RS-485 Network. ICT provides a number of reader and physical credential options in the MIFARE/DESFire range,
including MIFARE Classic and MIFARE DESFire EV1, EV2 and EV3.
Physical Credentials
Proximity clamshell card
Proximity ISO card
Proximity ISO dual technology card
Proximity standard key tag
Proximity adhesive disc
Proximity silicone wristband
Physical credentials are available in an extensive range of technology and EEPROM size configurations.
For more information on configuration options and ordering, contact ICT Customer Services.
tSec | tSec Multi-Technology Card Reader with Bluetooth® Technology | Installation Manual