Innovative Circuit Technology Ltd.
to each load. Each bus, or an individual output may be manually enabled or
disabled by using the on screen buttons.
The status of any of the four Input Alarms that have been enabled (see
page) will be shown in the Alarm Input box. A grey Alarm Input indicator
box shows that the sensor input is ready; a red box indicates that that external
sensor is in an alarm condition.
Remote Temperature
(in °C) of the optional ICT-TMP probe will be shown in
the top right corner, if a probe is installed.
Enable Bus Button:
This button will close the four channel relays on that bus,
applying power to the external loads. The outputs will be enabled in a timed
sequence if the
power-on sequencing
is enabled on the
Device Setup
Disable Bus Button:
This button will open the four channel relays on that bus,
cutting power to the loads.
Output On/Off Buttons
: Each button will toggle the internal relay for that
channel, enabling or disabling the power to the load on that output. The status of
each output channel is shown with a red (Disabled) or green (Enabled) bar next
to the ON/OFF button, along with an ammeter indicating the current through
that channel.
Device Setup
Use this page to configure the panel settings. Click on the
Save Settings
when finished to save and implement all new changes.
Device Info
Site Name
: Enter a custom descriptive name for the panel
Displays the ICT model number for the panel
: Displays the hardware version of the panel
Date and Time Settings
Current System Time
: Displays the date and time used in the panel’s internal
clock for time stamping data entries in the data logs. This clock may be set
manually, or synchronized with a remote NTP Time Server over the Internet
Synchronize with NTP Server
: Check this box to select automatic time
synchronization with the external server (recommended).
NTP Server
: Enter the name or IP address of the NTP Server used for date
and time synchronization, such as “