PCISA-3717EVT-R2 Socket 370 Celeron
, Pentium III
& Tualatin Processor with Ethernet , VGA( Dual Display ) ,
TV-Out , Audio Board
Appendix F. Dual View Setup
The PCISA-3717EVT-R2 is equipped with a OnChip SIS300 VGA
chip which supports dual view function. It allows you to run two
applications on two monitors respectively. The following will
describe how to enable the dual-view function in WINDOWS.
1. Select “Display” in Control Panel and enter “Display Properties”.
PCISA-3717EVT-R2 Socket 370 Celeron
, Pentium III
& Tualatin Processor with Ethernet , VGA( Dual Display ) ,
TV-Out ,Audio Board
2. Select the item “Settings” and click on the “Advanced” button