PCISA-3717EVT Socket 370 Celeron
& Pentium III
with Ethernet , VGA( Dual Display ) ,
TV-Out , Audio Board
CMOS Setup Utility – Copyright © 1984-1998 Award Software
PC Health Status
Vcore 1.65V
+2.5V 2.49V
+3.3V 3.37V
+5V 4.97V
+12V 11.96V
+3VSB 3.29V
+5VSB 4.65V
Temperature1 - 55
Temperature2 40
Temperature3 79
FAN 1 Speed 4153 RPM
Item Help
Menu Level
Move Enter: Select +/-/PU/PD: Value F10:Save ESC: Exit
F1:General Help
F5:Previous Values F6:Fail-safe defaults F7:Optimized
Voltage Monitoring
The chipset reserves 7 inputs for monitoring working voltages
from various sources in the system. These voltages may
includes CPU voltage, power pins of the ATX power (+/-12V, +/-
5V, 3.3V...) and others.
Generic names (Voltage Name) are given to these items
because where these pins are connected depends on different
platforms you are using.
Temperature 1/2/3
The chipset reserves 3 inputs for monitoring temperatures that
are typically the CPU & system temperatures.
Generic names are given for the same reason as Voltage 0-7.
PCISA-3717EVT Socket 370 Celeron
& Pentium III
with Ethernet , VGA( Dual Display ) ,
TV-Out ,Audio Board
Fan 1 Speed
The chipset reserves 1 inputs for monitoring FAN speeds in the
system. Usually, one FAN is applied to cool down the CPU and
the other one is applied by different purpose.
Generic names are given for the same reason as Voltage monitoring.
4.13 Frequency/Voltage Control
CMOS Setup Utility – Copyright © 1984-1998 Award Software
Frequency/Voltage Control