Tiny Serial-to-Ethernet Device Server
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The term Ethernet generally refers to a standard published in 1982 by Digital Equipment Corp., Intel
Corp. and Xerox Corp. Ethernet is the most popular physical layer Local Area Network (LAN)
technology in use today.
Firmware is an embedded software program or set of instructions programmed on a device that
provides the necessary instructions for how the device communicated with other computer
hardware, and is located or stored in a semi-permanent storage area, e.g., ROM, EEPROM, or Flash
memory. Firmware can often be updated by downloading a file from the manufacturer
s web site
or FTP.
Computers that interconnect two networks and pass packets from one to the other are called
Internet Gateways or Internet Routers. Gateways route packets that are based on the destination
network, rather than the destination host.
ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol)
ICMP provides a method of communicating between the Internet Protocol software on one
machine and the corresponding software on another. It allows a gateway to send error or control
messages to other gateways, or allows a host to diagnose problems with the network
Physically, the Internet is a collection of packet switching networks interconnected by gateways
that together with the TCP/IP protocol, allows them to perform logically as a single, large and
virtual network. The Internet recognizes hosts using 32-bit IP address.