5. Module Installation:
In the expansion slots, users install the modules, and make
sure of correct installation. Notice that address mapping is order
by slot id of installed module (from left to right), and the
expansion slot that without module will be skipped.
6. Address Setting:
There are two hexadecimal rotary switches in PROFI-8455
panel. They dominate the address of PROFI-8455. The switch
labeled LSB is represented the low nibble of the address, and
the switch labeled MSB is represented the high nibble of the
address. For advance setting, please refer to PROFI-8455
User’s Manual.
After finishing the procedure, DP-Master will establish the connection
with PROFI-8455 and execute program automatically. RUN_LED indicates
the status of connection that you can observe.
PROFI-8455 – state flow chart
The state machine of PROFI-8455 is shown below. If your PROFI-8455
can’t establish connection with DP-Master, you can see Q/A to solve it.