PCI-1002 Series Card
12-bit, 110 kS/s or 44 kS/s Multi-function Board
User Manual, Ver. 3.0, Jun. 2018, PMH-015-30, Page: 64
demo program
library and driver
A list of available demo programs is as follows:
DEMO1: Digital Output
DEMO2: Digital output and Digital Input test by itself.
DEMO3: ADC Polling for channel 0.
DEMO4: ADC Polling for channel 0, 1, 2, 3 using different gains -1, 2, 4 or 8.
DEMO5: ADC Pacer trigger.
DEMO6: AD Calibration.
Note that the demo6 only used when the AD value is inaccurate, it can adjust the reference value of
AD permanently. Each PCI-1002 Series card is already fully calibrated when shipped from the factory,
so it is usually unnecessary to calibrate the board again unless the accuracy is lost.
DEMO7: Find card number.
Demo Program for DOS
The demo program is contained in: