I-8014W API User Manual, v1.0.1, June 2011
Copyright © 2011 ICP DAS Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. E-mail: [email protected]
This function is used to get the single-ended / differential jumper position setting on
the I-8014W. If you want to use 8-channel differential input, the jumper needs to be
put in differential position; similarly, the jumper needs be put in single-ended position,
then the 16-channel single-ended input works correctly.
For MiniOS7
short i8014W_GetSingleEndJumper(int slot);
For Windows (CE and WES)
short pac_i8014W_GetSingleEndJumper(int slot);
slot: 0 ~ 7
0: The jumper is in differential position
1: The jumper is in single-ended position