GW-7238D J1939 to MBTCP Server / MBRTU Slave Gateway User’s Manual (Ver.1.1, May. 2013) ---
5. Application
Control systems such as PAC, PLC and PC on Modbus network
require some data that is collected by an ECU such as engine on J1939
network. There is also a part of data that is determined by the system
controller and transmitted through the Modbus network for the ECU to the
J1939 network.
Figure 5-1: Network application structure
5.1 Hardware Installation
Users may need to make some hardware settings before the
application. The detailed illustration is as below:
Step1: Check GW-7238D Firmware Mode
In operation mode, users can use the Modbus Master command to
send and receive J1939 messages via the GW-7238D
Users need to set the dip-switch to the “Normal” position as Figure 5-2
and reset the power, and that the GW-7238D can run in the operation