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Quick Start Guide
For each input and output port, there are filterable parameters corresponding to
specific MIDI event types that can be enabled or disabled for pass through from
input port to output port, again with simple touchscreen gestures.
Figure 21. Filters enabled.
Figure 22. Some filters disabled.
Similarly, enabling or disabling a filter involves simply touching the line of the
desired parameter and its virtual button will appear pressed or unpressed.
Figure 23. Channel pressure filter inactive.
Figure 24. Channel pressure filter active.
Note that the filter for a given parameter is active only if the button for the
parameter is in the “up” position and grey. When the button is in the “down”
position and orange in color, then the MIDI event will not be filtered out and is
allowed to pass from the input port to the output port.
Saving Your Changes
Changes to your iConnectMIDI’s configuration are temporary and can be lost if
the power is disconnected from iConnectMIDI™. To permanently save the