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Quick Start Guide
Multiple MIDI Devices
Most MIDI DIN-equipped instruments can be daisy-chained with other MIDI
instruments. By using a MIDI cable between each instrument so that from one
instrument to the next the cable connects the THRU port of one to the IN port of
the next instrument.
If you need to send MIDI data to iConnectMIDI™, the last instrument in the chain
should have its OUT port connected to iConnectMIDI’s IN port with a MIDI cable.
Each instrument in the chain can be set to its own MIDI channel so that it can be
recognized from the originating MIDI device and specifically sent data. One or
more MIDI instruments can be on the same MIDI channel; this causes all of
those instruments to trigger their sounds simultaneously from a single MIDI event
on the same MIDI channel.
Note that there is a distinction between a MIDI channel and a MIDI port. Each
MIDI port can contain MIDI data for up to 16 channels of MIDI. That means that
iConnectMIDI™ can simultaneously pass 192 channels of MIDI data.
USB MIDI Connections
Figure 6. Hub-capable USB-A jack on front panel
One or more USB MIDI devices can be connected to iConnectMIDI™ via the
USB-A jack on the front panel (see Figure 7). Additionally, this is a
jack, allowing you to connect a powered USB hub (sold separately) with which up
to eight (8) MIDI instruments and controllers can be connected to
iConnectMIDI™ simultaneously (see Figure 8).
With this many controllers connected via a USB hub, each device port is given a
unique name. The port names are visible in the computing device’s operating
system or at the software application user interface, with each operating system
using a different naming standard for attached USB MIDI devices. See Table 1