Level …………………………………………… 2-14
List of Connected Stations …………………… 3-20
List of Connected Stations screen …………… 3-20
Load Balancing ………………………………… 5-12
Local host ……………………………………… 6-7
Lock Icons ……………………………………… 3-23
Log Folder ……………………………………… 3-27
Log Folder setting……………………………… 2-15
MAC Authentication Server ………………… 3-29
Authentication Policy ……………………… 3-30
Enable Server ……………………………… 3-30
Export ………………………………………… 3-30
Import ………………………………………… 3-30
Manage ………………………………………… 3-7
Management …………………………………… 5-10
Management VLAN ID………………………… 4-3
Map screen …………………………………… 2-6
Map tab ………………………………………… 2-5
Mirroring ………………………………………… 3-33
Options ……………………………………… 3-33
Status ………………………………………… 3-33
Synchronize ………………………………… 3-31
Mirroring function ……………………………… 6-7
Mirroring Option window ……………………… 6-8
Mirroring Status screen ……………………… 6-13
Mirroring window ……………………………… 6-10
Model ……………………………………… 2-9, 5-3
Network Settings ……………………………… 5-4
Notification by email function ………………… 6-2
Notification on Faults ………………………… 6-4
Opening SYSLOG …………………………… 2-16
Output Log ……………………………………… 3-27
Output Log screen display …………………… 2-8
Packet Filter ……………………………… 4-5, 5-4
Packet Filter Import/Export function ………… 4-6
Password ………………………………… 1-6, 6-6
PMK Caching Timeout (minute) ……………… 3-32
POP before SMTP …………………………… 6-5
POP Server …………………………………… 6-5
Port …………………………………………… 6-5
Port number …………………………………… 6-15
Power Level ……………………………… 4-7, 5-6
Property screen ……………………………… 2-9
Regular Notification …………………………… 6-4
Remote host …………………………………… 6-7
Restart ………………………………………… 3-23
Restart (All) …………………………………… 3-23
Retry …………………………………… 1-12, 1-18
Roaming Caching ……………………… 3-31, 3-32
Save the Log …………………………………… 3-25
Saving the setting data ……………………… 1-11
Security Dashboard …………………………… 3-5
Selecting a group by right-clicking …………… 3-3
Send (All) (Settings) …………………………… 3-9
[Send a test email] …………………………… 6-6
Sending the modified settings ……………… 1-19
Send (Settings) ………………………………… 3-9
Settings ………………………………………… 3-9
Setting the interference filtering ……………… 5-8
Threshold level ……………………………… 5-8
Stream number control …………………… 5-8
Setting the schedule ………………………… 5-9
Setting wireless access point IP address …… 1-10
Site Survey …………………………………… 3-11
Color Settings ……………………………… 3-16
Delete Results (All) ………………………… 3-11
Delete Results ……………………………… 3-11
Display Results (Line) ……………………… 3-12
Display Results (List) ……………………… 3-15
Start (All) …………………………………… 3-11
Start …………………………………………… 3-11
SMTP Authentication ………………………… 6-5
SMTP Server…………………………………… 6-5
SNMP ……………………………………… 4-8, 5-10
Starting the management …………………… 1-13
Static DHCP …………………………………… 4-4
Static Routing ………………………………… 5-4
Status …………………………………………… 3-19
Status bar ……………………………………… 2-2
Synchronizing the setting data ……………… 6-10