Adjustment No. Adjustment Condition & Tuning Value Ref. No. CK. Point
Preparation for When there is no particular set limits, set
Checking Modula- the modulation analyzer for adjustment and
tion Adjustment checking as below.
LPF 20 kHz
De-Emphasis OFF
Detector (P ± P)/2
Connect the modulation analyzer set at the
above conditions, through the attenuator to
the antenna terminal. Connect an oscillo-
scope, distortion meter and a level meter to
the modulation analyzer’s detection output
Connect a millivolt meter or a 600 ohm out-
put impedance CR oscillator to the trans-
ceiver’s mic terminal.
Deviation Set the CR oscillator to a 1 kHz sine wave,
Adjustment 150mVrms, and input from the external mic
terminal. Set the transceiver to TX and use the
adjustment software to adjust to the following values.
Adjust. Freq. Near Center Frequency ± 4.05 ~ Adj. Soft ANT Con
WIDE ± 4.10 ± 0.05 kHz ±4.15kHz
NARROW ± 2.10 ± 0.05 kHz ± 2.05 ~
Modulation Balance Use the adjustment software to adjust the
Adjustment modulation analyzer’s detection output horizontal
line so that it becomes a straight line as below
Adjust. Freq. Near Center Frequency
Detection Adj. Soft ANT Con