IceLed ltd
ICELED ZEN is a programmable lighting controller that can independently connect
and command between one and four zones of interior or exterior ICELED emitters.
ZEN allows each Zone to be lit with different colours and intensity levels according to
any of 10 user-predefined programs. Simply selecting the appropriate program can
quickly make dramatic changes to the entire lighting arrangement.
The four zones may correspond to separate areas - inside a car for example; floor,
console, under-dash and roof lights. Some zones may need to be dimmed-out for
driving – in which case certain programs can be edited to dim these zones and can
be selected whenever required. Not all zones have to be used, ZEN will be equally
useful providing control over fewer than four zones. If more than four zones are
required, additional ZEN controllers can also be linked together.
Lighting effects
Each of the 10 programs has access to a number of lighting effects that can be
applied to individual zones. For example, there is a variable-speed ‘sweep’ function,
which can be used to cycle through a range of colours. Sound reactivity can also be
applied to animate the colour or other qualities of the light produced in time with a
music beat. A further option allows zones to be synchronised to the ICELED UFO
controller when present. A separate ‘lightning’ program causes all zones to strobe in
random sequences.
Automatic operation
Each ZEN has an Enable input that can be connected to an external circuit (e.g. door
switch or sidelights) allowing a preset lighting scheme to be switched-on
automatically whenever the external circuit is active. This always selects program 0.
The most obvious application is for switching-on interior lighting when doors are
opened, however, ZEN may also be useful for controlling external lighting where the
colour of each zone can be preset to conform to a particular lighting requirement e.g.
white to the front, red to the rear etc. At other times different programs can be
selected to override those colours with something more interesting for shows or
other off-road meetings.