The elastomers have different compression characteristics, and you may find other combinations of elastomer
hardness and pin position which suit the roads you ride on and your riding style better; it is just a matter of
trying different combinations. The elastomer system is simple and small enough that you can carry a couple of
elastomers in your pocket and change them when you are out on a ride if you like.
If you carry a significant amount of luggage (perhaps you are going on a long tour), re-tune the suspension
with the trike loaded; you will definitely notice the difference. With a full load on the rack (25kg / 55lb)
you are likely to need to move the elastomer one or two positions up to compensate for the extra weight. If
you already have the elastomer in the top position or next to top you will need to change the elastomer for the
next harder grade; yellow for red, or red for green.
If you ride on rough terrain or ride aggressively, you may benefit from a harder elastomer. If you are a leisurely
rider, who rides predominantly on smooth tarmac, you may be able to use a softer elastomer.
If the setup is too soft the trike may feel like it will roll over..
If it is too hard comfort will be compromised.
You should generally get a better result with the hardest elastomer recommended for your weight, for example
if your weight is 90kg use the green elastomer in position 2 rather than red in position 4.
If you are a light rider and have your suspension setup soft it is advisable to adjust it to a firmer setting;
change for a harder elastomer if necessary before allowing a significantly heavier rider to sit on your trike,
otherwise permanent damage to the elastomer may occur.
With rear or full suspension tires can be run at higher pressure while maintaining good comfort.
Elastomers do not significantly change stiffness with lower or higher temperatures.
2.2b Front suspension adjustment
Note: This operation is shown here with the wheel removed but it is possible to do it with the wheel in place.
The elastomers are available in soft, medium and hard. All of them are coloured yellow, and can be identified
by the letters: S, M & H printed on the end.