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NPRG 870 – NPRG 860
User’s Guide
Date : 09/2010
Edition :13/06/2017
Sheet : 1
Issue : D
This aim of the handbook is to provide to the User information useful for the operation of the
NPRG 860 and NPRG 870 Automatic Synchronizer devices with the local MMI, without
configuration PC. It comes in complement from the First Handling Guide.
We advise you to read it carefully, in order to take note of the available functionalities and to
proceed to connection and power of the product in accordance with the provided
Locally, setting, commissioning and real time or event readings are accessible from keyboard
and displayed on the Automatic Synchronizer device.
To be fully exploited, the available functions must be parameterized and consulted with
SMARTsoft, the setting software PC, provided with the product.
Before any use, we recommend you to read the safety instructions of this User’s guide.