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NPRG 870 – NPRG 860
User’s Guide
Date : 09/2010
Edition :13/06/2017
Sheet : 15
Issue : D
Stabilisation time for the
Check Synchro conditions
0.1 to 10 s
Time pulse relay C
0.1 to 10 s
Validation of the too long
paralleling function
Yes / No
Time before activate the too
long paralleling function
1 to 3600 s
Positive (>) gap frequency
allowed for paralleling on
Dead Bus.
0.1 to 1.00 Hz
Positive (<) gap frequency
allowed for paralleling on
Dead Bus.
0.1 to 1.00 Hz
Positive (>) gap voltage
authorized for paralleling on
Dead Bus.
0.01 to 0.10 Un
Positive (<) gap voltage
allowed for paralleling on
Dead Bus.
0.01 to 0.10 Un
Monitoring time delay
allowing the activation of the
"paralleling on Dead Bus"
function when all conditions
are correct.
1.0 to 5.0 s
Anticipation Time delay of the
paralleling order to the circuit
0 to 0.60 s
5.4 Disturbance
This menu is used to configure the parameters of the disturbance recording.
Settings of disturbance function.
Use "
" and "
" keys to access into different sub-
menu of «
Pre-time settings.
0 to 170 period (s)