©2007 Sine Nomine Associates
hardware capacity--enabling customers to more closely align IT spending with changing business
Solutions supporting z/VSE 4.1 include CA Explore Performance Management, CA Dynam
storage management solutions, the CA Datacom and CA IDMS families of database products, CA
FAQS automation solutions, and CA Top Secret for security management.
4.3 Reporting Sub-Capacity Utilization
There is a tool from IBM called the Capacity Management Tool (CMT), also known as the sub-
capacity monitoring tool, which collects data from LPARs and/or guests running under z/VM (5.2
or later). This data is used by the Sub-Capacity Reporting Tool (SCRT) analyses to produce a
Sub-Capacity Report. The Capacity Measurement Tool, which ships with z/VSE, must be run to
enable z/VSE V4 to generate the SCRT data. The Capacity Measurement Tool must be run for an
entire month to generate a month of records before a valid Sub-Capacity Report can be created.
z/VSE is able to generate the SCRT records but the SCRT tool itself only runs on z/OS. For those
customers with both z/VSE and z/OS the SCRT reports may be run on site. For those who do not,
then the records produced by z/VSE are sent to IBM which will return a Sub-Capacity Report
within two business days.
4.4 Does it work?
It's one thing to read through the announcements; construct configuration models; and speculate
on what savings may be possible. It's another thing to hear stories from people at the coal face to
see if the potential savings are being realized.
The listservers provide one of the best publicly accessible resources for getting this type of
One government z/VSE user reports on their experience with the full-capacity option of MWLC
(of course, your mileage may vary):
“I just got our April software bill from IBM for the first month on our z9 under z/VSE 4.1 and
MWLC. We were paying $22,965 per month on our z800 under z/VSE 3.1.2. The April bill is for
the same software and it is $12,318: a difference of $10,647 per month. The z9 increased our
monthly processor payment by $4,450 so we have a net a savings of $6,197 per month.
“Looks like all the talk about the z9 and MWLC pricing for z/VSE is the real deal.”
It is not unreasonable to project that the software bill for sub-capacity pricing would realize even
greater savings. For example, in the above case by using the full-capacity option the assumption
is that the site is running at 100% at all times during the year. By evaluating their actual
requirements they may find their 4-hour rolling average is significantly less than this. If they were
to implement the sub-capacity option of MWLC their monthly software bill could drop equally
Another factor that should be considered when determining potential savings is that of hardware
maintenance. For organizations moving from 9672 equipment may realize significant savings by
reducing monthly maintenance and environmental expenses.