IBM United States Software Announcement
IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation
to write complex health checks. Additionally, sample health checks written in
METAL C are planned.
• New health checks are planned for the Parallel Sysplex components, XCF and
XES. They are designed to warn you when a coupling facility structure's maximum
size as specified in the CFRM policy is more than double its initial size, when
any couple data set's (CDS's) maximum system limit is lower than the primary
sysplex CDS's system limit, when shared CPs are being used for coupling facility
partitions, when the CFRM message-based event management protocol can
be used for CFRM event management but the policy-based protocol is being
used instead, when your Sysplex Failure Management (SFM) policy does not
specify that automatic actions are to be taken to relieve hangs caused by the
unresponsiveness of one or more of a CF structure's users, and when a CF does
not have a designated percentage of available space to allow for new CF structure
allocation, structure expansion, or CF failover recovery. These checks can help you
correct and prevent common sysplex management problems.
• SMB server is planned to add two health checks. The first is designed to detect
SMB running in a shared file system environment and alert you that SMB cannot
export zFS sysplex-aware read-write file systems in this environment, and the
second to determine whether SMB is configured to support the RPC protocol (DCE/
DFS) and display a message to remind you that IBM plans to withdraw support for
this protocol in a future release.
• DFSMS is planned to add new health checks for the communications and active
configuration data sets (COMMDS and ACDS). One new check is designed to alert
you that the COMMDS and ACDS are on the same volume. The other is intended
to identify COMMDS and ACDS data sets that were defined without the REUSE
attribute, which is recommended. These new checks can help you manage your
SMS environment.
• New health checks are designed for the I/O Supervisor (IOS). IBM recommends
using the relatively new MIDAWs and Captured UCB Protection functions
introduced in recent releases, and locating eligible I/O-related control blocks
above the 16 MB line. These health checks are designed to notify you when these
functions are not being used, to help you manage system performance and the
use of virtual storage.
• The Health Checker started task is planned to support running with an assigned
user ID that has access to the BPX.SUPERUSER profile in the FACILITY CLASS.
This will make it unnecessary to run the Health Checker address space with a user
ID having UID(0).
• z/OS Communications Server is planned to enhance the z/OS Health Checker for
z/OS by adding two new checks: one check for IPv4 routing and one check for
IPv6 routing. The checks determine whether the total number of indirect routes
in the TCP/IP stack routing table exceeds a maximum threshold (default 2000).
When this threshold is exceeded, OMPROUTE and the TCP/IP stack can potentially
experience high CPU consumption from routing changes.
Two new maximum threshold parameters are planned to override the default
values for the total number of IPv4 and IPv6 indirect routes in a TCP/IP stack
routing table before warning messages are issued.
• IBM recommends that you use zFS file systems for z/OS UNIX® System Services.
In z/OS V1.12, a migration health check is planned to identify HFS file systems
you should consider migrating to zFS file systems. This is intended to help you
easily obtain and track the list of remaining file systems to be converted.
• When two or more jobs having the same job name begin to process within the
same system clock second and specify the same temporary data set names, the
second and subsequent jobs will fail with JCL errors while attempting to allocate
data sets with duplicate names. In z/OS V1.12, you will be able to use a new
parmlib option to specify that the system use the data set naming convention for
unnamed temporary data sets instead, which substantially reduces the probability
of this JCL error without the need to change JCL.
• In z/OS V1.7, Language Environment allowed overridable run-time options to be
defined in a new CEEPRMxx member of parmlib. In z/OS V1.12, this is extended
to add support for non-overridable (NONOVR) options. This new support can allow
you to specify the options for Language Environment without user modifications,
eliminating a repetitive migration task.