IBM United States Software Announcement
IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation
– DVIPA target removed (subtype 35)
– DVIPA target server started (subtype 36)
– DVIPA target server ended (subtype 37)
The new SMF 119 event records are planned to be written to the MVS SMF data
sets, and can also be obtained from the real-time TCP/IP network monitoring NMI
• DFSMS enhancements are planned for storage group management and volume
selection performance. As volume sizes increase, one percent of a volume
represents an increasingly large amount of storage. For example, on a 223
GB volume, 1% is over 2 GB of storage. In z/OS V1.12, the limit on the high
threshold you can specify for space utilization for pool storage groups is planned
to be increased from 99% to 100%. In most cases, IBM recommends a high
threshold value less than 100% for storage groups. This allows data sets to
expand without an increased risk of encountering out-of-space abends. The 100%
specification is intended to be used to make more storage capacity available
for storage groups that hold static data. Also, SMS processing of volume lists is
planned to be changed in a way intended to improve allocation performance for
large volume lists.
• The Integrated Storage Management Facility (ISMF) includes a Data Collection
application, DCOLLECT, which provides storage-related measurement data that
can be used as input to the DFSMSrmm Report Generator to create customized
reports or to feed other applications such as billing applications. In z/OS
V1.12, DCOLLECT data class (DC) records are planned to be updated to include
information about all data class attributes. Also, data set (D) records are planned
to include job names, and storage group (SG) records are planned to include
information about OAM Protect Retention and Protect Deletion settings.
• z/OS Communications Server planned improvements include:
– The ability to learn indirect prefix routes from IPv6 Router Advertisement
– The ability to associate preference values with all routes that are learned from
IPv6 Router Advertisement messages
Use of these functions is expected to reduce the number of IPv6 static routes that
must be defined and the ability to route around network failures when not using
OMPROUTE to install routes learned via a dynamic routing protocol, such as OSPF.
• RMF is planned to include information in the CPU Activity Report about how many
units of work, represented by work element blocks (WEBs), are running or waiting
for a processor (CP, zIIP, or zAAP). Additionally, this function will be designed to
provide this information in SMF Type 70 records. This new information is expected
to be helpful for determining how much latent demand there is for processor time
for multitasking address spaces.
• IDCAMS is planned to be enhanced to avoid DFSMShsm recalls for any generation
data sets that are migrated when deleting entire generation data groups (GDGs).
Instead, IDCAMS will call DFSMShsm to delete such data sets without recalling
them. This is expected to reduce processing time, particularly when one or more
generation data sets have been migrated to tape.
Where would we be without computer networks? Explosive growth in Web-based
services, applications, appliances, and mobile devices is fueling a need for increased
network performance, scalability, security, and management capabilities.
The z/OS Communications Server is there to meet the challenges with a wide array
of networking technologies supported (including both TCP/IP and SNA). System
and data security technologies, fault tolerance, autodetection and autorecovery
capabilities all mean the z/OS Communications Server can provide reliable
and trustworthy networking services. With intelligent configuration, dynamic
optimization, self-tuning, and network routing, it adapts to different networking
conditions and is capable of shifting workloads and traffic to meet quality of service