IBM Global Technology Services
© 2010 IBM Corporation
Average Processor Utilization in % per Day
Average Processor Utilization in % per day
The Average Processor Utilization in % per Day graph shows the average processor utilization per measured
day during the period for three groups of priorities.
The symbols used on this graph are explained as follows:
• The forward slash (green) shows system usage (Jobtype = S).
• The cross-hatch (blue) shows interactive usage (Jobtype = I).
• The backward slash (red) shows the batch usage (Jobtype = B).
• The black line shows the average interactive work of the busiest single two hours during the shift for the
reported day, expressed as a percentage of total processor capability of the partition, (or total system if no
partitioning is used)..
•The left side of the graph shows the usage values in CPW and the right side shows the percentage.