Blade ID labels
The AMD Opteron LS21 for IBM BladeCenter blades are shipped in a single package.
Approximate shipping dimensions and weight:
Single pack dimensions: 60.3 x 33.3 x 15.6 cm (23.75 x 13.13 x 6.13 in)
Single pack weight: 6.3 kg (13.8 lb)
LS41 for BladeCenter
Package description
AMD Opteron LS41
BladeCenter LS41 Carton
for IBM BladeCenter
Model 41x
AMD Opteron LS41 for IBM
Publications/CD Package
Installation and User's Guide
Documentation CD-ROM (softcopy of publications)
Broadcom CD-ROM
Safety flyer
Blade ID labels
The AMD Opteron LS41 for IBM BladeCenter blades are shipped in a single package.
Approximate shipping dimensions and weight (two-socket LS41):
Single pack dimensions: 60.3 x 33.3 x 15.6 cm (23.75 x 13.13 x 6.13 in)
Single pack weight: 6.3 kg (13.8 lb)
Approximate shipping dimensions and weight (four-socket LS41):
Single pack dimensions: 59.7 x 33.3 x 18.4 cm (23.50 x 13.13 x 7.25 in)
Single pack weight: 9.9 kg (22.0 lb)
Related options
Processor upgrades
Opteron processor
Heat sink
Installation publications/warranty
Security, auditability, and control
Security and auditability features include:
A power-on password function provides control of who has access to the data and server
setup program on the server.
A set unattended boot mode allows the system keyboard to be locked to all entries except the
password and at the same time allows other computers on the network to access the system
disk drive.
A selectable boot sequence can be used to prevent unauthorized installation of software or
removal of data from the diskette drive.
IBM United States Announcement 107-103
IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation