Secure MICR Printer User’s Guide
Source Technologies
July 2003
Page 23
All rights reserved
Resource number 5001 is reserved for the Audit Trail overlay, see chapter 7.
Format Flash Memory
Lead in sequence
Command terminator
This command formats flash memory. A valid password command must precede this
Caution: All flash contents will be lost. This includes all electronic forms, signatures, logos, etc.
Secure Flash Resource Unlock Command
Unlock flash resource command
Flash resource number, must be 5 digits
Command terminator
Unlocks a secure flash resource.
Tray Lock Command
Lock tray command
The tray to be locked (choose from 1, 2 or 3 only)
Command terminator
This command prevents other applications from accessing a particular printer paper tray.
Tray Unlock Command
Unlocks tray
The tray to be unlocked (choose from 1, 2 or 3 only)
Command terminator
Tray Swapping Commands &%STTSON$ / &%STTSOFF$
Turns tray swapping on
Turns tray swapping off
Command terminator
This command allows you to redefine the PCL values for Trays 2 and 3 to allow software
and operational consistency with older printers in the system. Swapping ON causes any
<esc>&l4H to be replaced with 5H and vice-versa.
Section 6: MICR Features