©Copyright LOTRONIC 2012
Sound Activated Mode
The unit responds to sounds picked up by the built-in microphone to create a light show. The sound changes the
color and the position of the effect. This mode enables the unit to act a Master to other Slave units
Selection of Sound Activated mode
the “MODE/ESC” button and choose “NStS”. When the “ENTER” button is pressed the LED Display changes to
“SrUn” and the unit enters Sound Activated Mode.
Initial LED Display
Second LED Display
Sound Activated
Slave Mode
-to 32 units can be daisy chained together with one single unit acting as Master and all other linked units acting as
Slaves. Slave units will all run in sync with the master unit without the need for an additional controller. Connections
can be made using standard DMX control cables with Master unit running in Auto Run or Sound Activated Modes
and placed at the beginning of the chain
Selection of Slave Mode
the “MODE/ESC” button and choose “SLAu”. When the “ENTER” button is pressed
, the LED display changes to
“Son” and the unit will be slaved to control signals coming from a Master unit
Service Modes
After major configuration changes, it may be necessary to reboot or reset the unit.
Resetting the Unit
the “MODE/ESC” button and choose “rEST”(restore). Press “ENTER” to confirm. The unit powers itself down
and then on again for a few seconds. During this time,
the LED display will scroll “rEST” from left to right, after which
normal operation recommences.
Restoring factory defaults
the “MODE/ESC” button and choose “LoAD”(load). Press “ENTER” to confirm. The LED display will change to
“d001” to confirm a factory reset has been completed
Initial start-up
During the warm up time, the unit will auto test itself for a few seconds. During this time the LED display will scroll
“rEST” from left to right .The unit then
start to operate normally
DMX Modes
This mode allows the unit to be controlled by any universal DMX controller
The default mode for the fixture is DMX,
which appears
as on the LED Readout