You can also insert the strings with the ball ends cut off, as on a
conventional locking tremolo.
Removing all strings at the same time will cause the tremolo
attachment angle to change signifi cantly, so we recommend that you
replace the strings one at a time. If you remove all strings at the same
time, tuning will be easier if you wedge a piece of cloth below the
tremolo to secure it so that the tremolo attachment angle won’t change
signifi cantly.
Before you tune, make sure that the string stopper bolts are fi rmly tightened.
Fine tuning
Even after you’ve used the locking nuts to lock the strings, you
can use the fi ne tuners to fi ne-tune each string.
The range of adjustment after the strings are locked will be widest
if you leave all fi ne-tuning bolts near the center of their adjustable
range before you tune.
Prestage Manual.indb 50
Prestage Manual.indb 50
8/9/2013 11:28:26 AM
8/9/2013 11:28:26 AM