ibaPADU-8-ICP Manual
Issue 1.7
The ibaPADU-8-ICP (parallel analog & digital unit 8 channel ICP) serves as a data ac-
quisition device for applications requiring sample rates to 25 kHz per channel. This de-
vice is suitable for vibration measurement applications, such as …
machine vibration monitoring
rolling element bearing monitoring
rolling mill chatter monitoring
various dynamic process monitoring
Since the majority of applications require measurements from ibaPADU-8-ICP devices
on a scheduled, periodic basis, devices are multiplexed. Each of up to 4 fiber-optic
links (on a iba FOB 4i PCI-card) may interface with individually addressed ibaPADU-8-
ICP units. Depending on the processing power of the PC, either 8, 16, 24 or 32 ICP
and binary channels may be sampled simultaneously.
Per fiber-optic link, a maximum of 96 devices can be addressed via a ibaFOB-4i/-4o
combination or a ibaFOB-io card interface. This provides a maximum of 4x96x8 = 3072
analog and digital measurement channels. Each analog channel can be connected di-
rectly to ICP
type sensors without interposing signal conditioning. ICP
sensors must
meet the specification of IMI
, whereby each channel is powered with a current loop.
This provides both a signal level for measurement as well as open-circuit, short-circuit
detection possibility.
Another possible application is the simultaneous monitoring of up to 128 analog and
128 binary channels with up to 25 ks/s. This operational mode is supported by PCI
cards in combination with the iba Online Data Acquisition software ibaScope only! The
master ibaFOB in that case controls the ADC converter triggering with an accuracy of
max 100 ns (plus fiber optic cable length = approx. 4 ns /m) difference without any jit-
tering. This allows a variety of new applications to be performed in a wide area with a
big amount of simultaneous signals.
In order to provide a rich dynamic range, each ICP
channel comprises a programma-
ble analog gain, programmable low-pass filter, and a 14-bit ADC.
IMI is a division of PCB Piezotronics, Depew, NY