Sliding Door Installa on
Step 2.
A ach the latch housing assemblies (at each end) to the sliding
door top channel using X2 M6 X 10 setscrews (supplied secured
to the latch housing assembly) as shown in Fig. 17 & 18
(LatchesÊtoÊbeÊfi edÊupÊmirroringÊeachÊother)Ê
TheÊinforma onÊinÊthisÊsec onÊaimsÊtoÊprovideÊ
personnelÊwithÊadequateÊinstruc onsÊtoÊbuildÊaÊ
ÊDra MasterÊ
Step 1.
To begin, fit the stop plates through the holes in the inner
cage framework on the right hand side (at each end) using
M8 X 45 cup square bolt as shown in Fig. 15 & Fig. 16
StopÊplatesÊtoÊbeÊfi edÊupÊmirroringÊeachÊother)
Fig 15
Fig 16
Fig 17
Fig 18