Step2. Enter CAN BUS Folder. Install "setup.msi". Then finish the installation.
I lt»if «M<£i *■■■: OH*»
3-3 Brightness Adjustment
In our new product - 10.1" Panel PC, the dimming control has to install drivers and software to
work brightness control properly. Please do following steps:
Stepl Installing Driver
You can find the driver in the Touch & Driver CD. Find the
and double click the "install.bat" install file.
Backlight Control Driver j folder
CAWIHDOWSVsystemmcmd exe
HMI PPC\BackLight_XP_Driver.l.0>DEUCON.EXE INSTALL l b b . i n f " r o o t S p o r t
Device node c r e a t e d . I n s t a l l i s c o n p l e t e uhen d r i v e r s are u p d a t e d . . .
Updating d r i v e r s f o r r o o t S p o r t i o from II; Hit.10.1 HMI PPC\BackLi9bt_XP_Driver.l.8
k l b b . i n f .
d r i v e r s updated s u c c e s s f u l l y .
| : N 0 0 . 1 0 . 1 HMI PPCsDackLight XP D r i v e r . 1 . 0 > p « u s e
Step2 Installing .NET Framework 2.0
To install .net Framework, you have to click the .net Framework installation file dotnetfx.exe in
Framework 2.0 j folder for working normally.
0 1 - E
Step3 Installing Backlight Control Software
To install Back Light Control Software: Click the setup file setup.msi in
Backlight Control
Software j Folder and Confirm Installation, then dimming control enabled by buttons by button at
the front bezel.
Welcome to the BacfcLightControl Setup Wizard
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