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Account options:
Click on your account name to change your account picture, lock
your device or sign out of your account. This can be done from the
top of the start menu where you will find the Account name with
a picture.
Click ‘Power’ icon to sleep, shut down or restart your device.
All Apps:
Click All Apps to see all your apps and programs listed alphabeti-
cally. Looking for a specific app? Just type it in the search box.
Search across your device, your cloud storage on OneDrive, and
across the Web at the same time. Simply open the Start menu and
type in the search box - Windows search will do the rest. You can
also open search directly from the taskbar; click Search and start
Pin your favorite apps:
Pin apps, programs and folders to the Start menu for fast access to
the things you use the most. Apps with Live Tiles will show
updates for the people and things that matter.
Click Start, select All Apps, right-click the app you want to pin, and
then select Pin to Start.
Once pinned, your app will show up as a tile on the right.
Right-click the tile to change its size. Drag and drop to move it
around. Don’t worry about running out of space - the Start menu
will automatically resize to hold everything.
Содержание ZED AIR 2
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