® Waves System
V 1.1 - 2009
I.D. AL - EventPlayer MP3/Wav/DMX player - User manual
- 13 -
4.2 Organisation of files inside directories.
Like for directories, file names define their playback
Note: You may not have to use this notation if the
files are read randomly ("RND" option or no option
in the directory name). In this case, all the files
shall be read and will be interruptible.
The file names are made up of 3 digits (000 to 999) and a
name of your choice. Optional information can be added
such as the file volume level or triggering of outputs.
001 [J367] my message.mp3
063 [R020] file name.wav
My file.sc2
845 [V+12][R001] my file.mp3"
xxx.wav -> Wave format audio file
xxx.mp3 -> MP3 format audio file
xxx.sc2 -> "Show Control" sequence file created using
the ID-AL Show Control editor.
Note: In sequential mode (SEQ), if numbered and non-numbered files are present, only the
numbered files will be read. In random mode, all the files be read.
In random mode, if the files are not numbered, they are interruptible.
The first three digits represent the file number file and thus its primary name.
001.mp3 - file No.001
063.wav - file No.063
158.sc2 - file No.158
If the directory indicates random mode [RND], the files don't have to be numbered and playback will be in
random mode. If the directory indicates definite sequence [SEQ], the non-numbered files are ignored.
Optional parameters
To modify the behaviour of the player, you can add optional parameters in the file name. These parameters
are boxed by the "[" and "]"symbols. You can use several parameters in the file name.
[Jxxx] - Jump to a directory after reading the current file.
[NT] or [DT] - The file is not interruptible or the action is memorised to be executed at the end of the file.
[Rxxx] - Enables output contacts
[V+xx] ou [V-xx] - Sets the file volume level
Note: Without any option, the files are read one by one according to the selected mode
(random or sequential) and can be interrupted at any time by external action.