Searching for destination
Viewing favorite
1. Press [ ] > [My Favorite].
2. Select the desired item from the list, then
press [View].
Switches to the map screen on what you
3. Press [Info] to check information on what
you select. Press [Map] to switches to the
map screen again.
Editing favorite
1. Press [ ] > [My Favorite].
2. Select the desired item from the list, then
press [Edit].
3. Press [
] to change the name if you want
and select one of the Most Favorite, Home,
Special Location, then press [Save].
Deleting favorite
1. Press [ ] > [My Favorite].
2. Select the desired item from the list, then
press [Delete] > [Yes].
The destinations set through the search function
are automatically saved in the [Recent] menu.
You can reset them as the destination from the
[Recent] menu.
1. Press [Find] > [Recent].
2. Follow steps 3-4 of the “Address search” on
page 32.
Hyundai service
You can set the facilities of Hyundai dealers as
the destination.
1. Press [Find] > [Hyundai].
You can also search for the facilities of
Hyundai dealers by pressing [Keyword].
2. Follow steps 3-4 of the “Address search” on
page 32.
The information for the dealers facilities may
not correspond with a result of map information,
since the information can be provided up to date.
You can find a destination by entering the
coordinates of latitude and longitude.
1. Press [Find] > [Coordinate].