o If you fail to try the limp home procedure
with the sequence of three times, you
have to wait for about one hour to do the
limp home procedure again.
o If you cannot start your engine in spite of
limp home procedure, have your vehicle
towed by an authorized Hyundai dealer.
1. To set the password you may turn the igni-
tion key "ON" and then turn it "OFF" accord-
ing to the digit numbers, then the immobi-
lizer indicator will blink along with the opera-
tion of the ignition key. For example, turn the
ignition key once for digit number "1", and
twice for "2", and so on. However, for the
digit number "0", you must turn the ignition
key for 10 times.
2. Wait for 3~10 seconds.
3. You may set the remaining number of digits
by following the same procedures 1 and 2.
4. If all of four digits have been tried success-
fully, turn the ignition key "ON" and check
that the immobilizer indicator illuminates.
From this time, you have to start your engine
within 30 seconds. If you start your engine
after 30 seconds, your engine will not start.
If the engine dies while driving after limp
home procedure, you can start your engine
within 8 seconds without limp home proce-
dure again.
5. If the immobilizer indicator blinks for five
seconds, you have to try the limp home
procedure again from the beginning.
After doing the limp home procedure, you have
to consult with your authorized Hyundai dealer
as soon as possible.
o Unlocked doors can be dangerous.
Before you drive away-especially if there
are children in the car-be sure that all the
doors are securely closed and locked,
the doors cannot be opened from inside.
This helps assure that doors will not be
opened accidentally. Also, when com-
bined with the proper use of seat belts,
locking the doors helps keep occupants
from being ejected from the car in case
of an accident.
o Before opening the door, always look for
and avoid oncoming traffic.
Locking, unlocking front doors with
o The door can be locked or unlocked with a
o Lock the door by turning the key toward the
front of the vehicle and unlock it by turning
the key toward the rear.