*Referring to the diagram, locate the rudder pushrod exit hole on the right side of the fuselage just below the
stabilizer. Carefully cut out the covering over the hole.
Insert the straight end of the pushrod from the front and slide it all the way through to clear any adhesive from
inside the rear of the nylon guide tube. Remove the pushrod.
*Slide the rudder pushrod into the fuselage from the outside rear, with the Z-bend at the rudder end. Make
sure the forward end of the pushrod is ABOVE the servo mounting plate in the fuselage.
*Slip a control horn over the Z-bend end of the pushrod and attach it to the rudder using two 2.3 x 8 mm
Philips screws.
*Referring to the diagram, locate the elevator pushrod exit hole on the left side of the fuselage just below the
stabilizer. Carefully cut out the covering over the hole.
Insert the straight end of the pushrod from the front and slide it all the way through to clear any adhesive from
inside the rear of the nylon guide tube. Remove the pushrod.
*Slide the elevator pushrod into the fuselage from the outside rear, with the Z-bend at the elevator end. Make
sure the forward end of the pushrod is ABOVE the servo mounting plate in the fuselage.
*Slip a control horn over the Z-bend end of the pushrod and attach it to the elevator using two 2.3 x 8 mm
Philips screws.
*Referring to the diagram for proper position, mount the rudder & elevator servos into the plywood servo tray.
*Cut off any excess, and fasten the rudder and elevator pushrods to the servo arms using your favorite method
– pushrod connectors, Z-bends, or nylon pushrod keepers.
*Cut out the covering over the landing gear mounting slot in the bottom of the fuselage. Insert the ends of the
two landing gear wires into the holes and slot. Fasten in place with two plastic retainer plates and four 2.3 x
10 mm Philips screws.
*Mount the wheels on the landing gear wires and retain with two 2.1 mm wheel collars.
*Locate the pre-covered bottom hatch and place it in position under the nose section. Drill a 1.5 mm hole at
the rear of the hatch cover and retain the hatch with a single 2.3 x 8 mm washer=head screw.
*NOTE: The kit may include both a stick mount for gearbox-type motors, and a plywood mount for direct-drive
outrunner motors. However, we recommend only the mount for Outrunner motors such as Z22 series in back-
mounted configuration.
9B: Outrunner mount
*Remove the five motor mount pieces from the laser cut ply parts sheet. Remove any burrs or rough edges if
necessary. Test-fit all parts together. Test fit the motor mount assembly onto the firewall.
*Remove and reassemble the motor mount with epoxy, checking for proper alignment.
*Attach the motor mount assembly to the firewall using epoxy.
Diagram #10 – CANOPY/COWLING
*Carefully remove the covering over the window openings on each fuselage side.
*Cut out the side window panels as one piece using the molded-in trim line as a guide. Separate the window
panels by cutting midway between each panel.
*Test fit each window panel in place from the inside of the fuselage, trimming the excess material as needed so
that the window panel edges do not touch any bulkheads or stringers.
*Lightly sand the outer portion (flange) of each window panel to provide better adhesion. (An emory board
works well for this)
*Apply a THIN line of medium CA to the inner surface of the fuselage around a window opening, and insert the
window into its opening from inside the fuselage. Repeat for each side window.
*Cut out the windshield on the molded-in trim lines. Check for proper fit, and then fasten in place with two 2.3
x 8 mm washer-head screws at the locations shown in the diagram.
*Temporarily install the motor and prop adapter to aid in properly positioning the cowling.
*Slide the cowling onto the fuselage and tape in position so that there is sufficient prop clearance, and the
opening in the front of the cowling is centered around the prop shaft.
*Referring to the diagram, mount the cowling using four 2.3 x 8mm washer-head screws.